How To Deal With The Summer Heat On The Job

Here in Florida, we are lucky enough to have glorious sunshine all year round.  In the summer months though, it can get really hot with temperatures regularly soaring up to well above 90 degrees Fahrenheit across the state.

While this kind of weather is great for sunning yourself on the beach, it can make working conditions really difficult if you working outdoors or do not have satisfactory air condition and cooler facilities in your building.

How Is Hot Weather Dangerous For Florida Workers?

Heat-related illnesses can be very dangerous and affect thousands of workers here in Florida every year.  Heat Stroke is the most serious heat-related illness which usually requires medical attention.  Symptoms include confusion, fainting, seizures, very high body temperature and hot, dry skin or profuse sweating.  Heat exhaustion is also very common and can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and sometimes even a heat rash.

With summer temperatures rising, now is the best time to prepare for working in the hot weather by following a few simple steps:

Stay Hydrated

It is really important to keep well hydrated when the weather is hot.  Drink plenty of fluid, and intersperse bottled water with Gatorade or other drinks designed to replace electrolytes. Try to take a few good sips at least every 15 minutes when possible, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Take Regular Breaks

This is especially relevant if you are working outside, as you need to take regular breaks away from the heat and sunlight.  Be sure to sit quietly in the shade, or find an air-conditioned indoor space to help you cool down and catch your breath.

Wear Appropriate Clothing And Protection

Again if you are working outside, be sure to always wear sunscreen and a suitable hat or cap to cover your head.  Heat stroke can be kept at bay by wearing a hat, and sunscreen an prevent sunburn that can be painful and uncomfortable and could even lead to skin cancer.

Build Your Exposure Up Gradually

If you have not worked in the Florida heat before, or are not used to extremely hot conditions, you should ease yourself into work gently.  Start for a few hours a day, before building yourself up to working outside for longer stints.

Watch Out For Your Co-Workers

If you know that someone you work with has not had a drink or a break, or they start to look unwell, take action to ensure that they sit out of the heat for a while until they feel better.

What Are My Rights If Conditions Are Unsafe Because Of The Heat?

Unfortunately for Florida workers, OSHA does not state that employers should provide heat in the winter and air-conditioning in the summer. However, OSHA does require employers to provide a safe working environment, which includes protecting their employees from extreme heat by allowing for adequate breaks and hydration. If you are made unwell as a result of your employer’s failure to provide the same, you could be entitled to Worker’s Compensation benefits.

What Can I Do If The Heat Is Making My Work Place Unsafe?

 If you feel that your working conditions are not safe, you can report your employer to OSHA without fear of retaliation.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident at work, speak to our lawyers today at (844) 762-8155.

When you hire the Law Offices of Ala Alikhani, P.A. to represent you, we go to extremes to ensure employers and their insurance companies are held accountable and that you receive the benefits you are entitled to by the law.

Were you injured at work? Contact us for a FREE consultation. We are available throughout all times of the day to discuss your case with you. Our office is fluent in Creole and Spanish.


-No out of pocket fees or costs unless you recover.

-Covering Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and all throughout the State of Florida.

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Boca Raton, FL 33432

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