Practice Areas
In Florida, workers compensation is a system designed to compensate workers injured on the job without regard to fault. When an injury occurs in the course of scope of employment, the employer and their insurance company should be responsible for providing medical treatment and any lost wage benefits to the employee. Workers compensation is a self-executing system which means that employers and insurance companies should pay benefits without having an injured workers resort to legal or administrative proceedings. This basically means that the law expects employers and insurance companies to do what they should be doing and to also do it on time. However, in most cases this generally does not happen.
Hiring an attorney is important because an attorney files a Petition for Benefits with the workers compensation court to put pressure on insurance companies to provide benefits to injured workers. The two types of benefits an injured worker is entitled to are medical benefits and lost wage benefits. The workers compensation law is extremely complex and many injured workers may not know what benefits they are entitled to. At The Law Offices of Ala Alikhani, P.A. we make sure our clients are vigorously defended in order to receive the benefits they are entitled to by law.
Even though the workers compensation law is designed to be self-executing once an employee is injured at work, many claims are denied by the employer and their insurance carrier. At The Law Offices of Ala Alikhani, P.A. we will fight to overturn any claim that is denied. The basis for a denial may include many different reasons. Some of the more common reasons include a position that an accident did not occur in the course and scope of employment or that the cause of the symptoms is a pre-existing condition. Although a case may be denied, there are a vast majority of legal reasons why a denial may be incorrect. Our many years of experience will be used to determine the best route to fight a denial.
Another common issue is when an injured employee does not receive lost wage benefits for the time they miss from work even though they are entitled to this benefit. This is an issue that our office will fight vigorously to ensure is provided to our clients.
Our clients do not have to pay out of pocket to have our firm represent them. We work on a contingency basis meaning there are no fees or costs unless you recover.
At the Law Offices of Ala Alikhani, P.A. we stand by our clients throughout all of the stages of a claim to fight for their rights and benefits. Our many years of experience in handling Hearings, Mediations and depositions throughout the litigation process of different claims will be used to secure benefits for our clients.
Our office also speaks Spanish and Creole.
Contact us today for a FREE consultation.